Dhaka Railway Station Contact number

You can find Dhaka Railway Station’s phone number, email address, postal address, list of social media accounts, and other contact information here.

About Dhaka Railway Station: 

Dhaka Railway Station (officially Kamalapur Railway Station) is the central railway station in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. It is the largest station and the busiest infrastructure for transportation in the country that acts as a gateway of the country’s capital. It was opened on 1 May 1968.
Dhaka Railway Station sees about three trains every hour. The code for Dhaka Railway Station is (DAKA). You may see the Dhaka Railway Station Timetable on the contactwala app or website to obtain precise and comprehensive information on the time schedule of the trains at the Dhaka Railway Station. The Dhaka Railway Station Timetable will give you the necessary details about different trains, including their origin and destination stations, schedules, days of operation, and distance traveled. After reviewing the Dhaka Railway Station’s operating hours,

Dhaka Railway Station Contact Details

Dhaka Railway Station 

Contact Number:  0088-02-9358634/0088-02-8315857

Official Website:   https://railway.gov.bd/

Dhaka Railway Station Contact Us Page :  www.

 Office Address : 

Dhaka Railway Station Contact Details

Dhaka Railway Station Phone Number

  • Phone Number – 0088-02-9358634/0088-02-8315857
  • Mobile Number – 008801819-936349
  • OC, Dhaka, Railway Thana – 01750078697
  • ASP, Dhaka Railway Zone: 01713374454
  • Assistant Director /Operation, Central Control, Dhaka: 01711691520
  • Chief Train Controller/Dhaka: 01711691564
  • Station Manager/Dhaka: 01711691612
  • Divisional Commercial Officer/Dhaka(Office): 01711691643



 Are you wana know More about Dhaka Railway Station Contacts , simply check out links given below :





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