oge phone number

If you are looking for  oge phone number  simply check out our links below :

Residential customers can call 405-272-9741 (OKC) or 800-272-9741(all other areas) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Business customers can call 888-988-9747 or email businessadvantage@oge.com to contact the Business Advantage Group.
How do I report a power outage?


To report an outage by phone, call 405-272-9595 (OKC) or 800-522-6870 (all other areas). To report an outage by text message, text “OUT” to 32001. You must be signed up for text messages through myOGEalerts to utilize this feature. Visit our System Watch map to view the areas currently experiencing power disruptions.


How do I pay my bill?


You can pay online anytime, or, if you’re signed up for myOGEalerts, you can text to pay. your bill. You can also pay by phone through your checking or savings account. There is a $3.50 processing fee for payments up to $600 that are made with credit or PIN-less debit cards. OG&E does not receive any portion of the payment processing fees. To pay, call U.S. Payments at 877-306-9274.

Visit “Billing & Payment Options” for more ways to pay.

How do I contact Customer Service?


Residential customers can call 405-272-9741 (OKC) or 800-272-9741(all other areas) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Business customers can call 888-988-9747 or email businessadvantage@oge.com to contact the Business Advantage Group. Available 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday. Visit “Business Solutions” for more information.


How can I stop, start or transfer electric service?


You can make changes to your residential service or business service online, or call 405-272-9741 (OKC) or 800-272-9741 (all other areas) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

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