South Central Railway will run eight summer special trains between Secunderabad and Patna; Tirupati and Secunderabad and Secunderabad and Mumbai CST
Secunderabad-Patna superfast special train will depart from Secunderabad at 08:35 hrs on June 19 and 26 (Fridays) and arrive in Patna at 16:10 hrs the next day. In the return direction, the train will depart from Patna at 13:30 hrs on June 21 and 28 (Sundays) and arrive in Secunderabad at 21:10 hrs the next day.
Secunderabad-Tirupati tatkal special train will depart from Secunderabad at 19:15 hrs on June 9 and arrive in Tirupati at 10:30 hrs the next day. In the return direction, the train will depart from Tirupati at 15:45 hrs on June 7 and arrive in Secunderabad at 04:20 hrs the next day.
Secunderabad-Mumbai CST special train will depart from Secunderabad at 07:15 hrs on June 8 and arrive in Mumbai CST at 23:00 hrs the same day.
— To Be Updated —
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